
Anne Sweet
Dec 5, 2022
When the storm passes
When the storm passes, I find I am still intact and whole and no repair is necessary to the fundamental self which hasn't moved at all....

Anne Sweet
Nov 27, 2022
A song of joy
I can hear a song a song of joy of praise of consciousness and love. The song lives deep in my heart and in the heart of everyone I’m...
Anne Sweet
Nov 20, 2022
From Peter Brown
“It’s easy to have a fantastic idea of what we’re talking about. The actuality of this is not some ongoing condition of anything in...

Anne Sweet
Nov 14, 2022
Not My Will
Not my will but Thy will be done sounds good in theory but what happens when you realize your life is meant for service alone and that...

Anne Sweet
Nov 9, 2022
Entry-level Enlightenment
You might not and most probably will not reach the heights of a Nisargadatta or Longchenpa, but it is entirely possible in this lifetime...
Oct 30, 2022
There is only That
Why do I meditate? As part of the morning routine and connection of/to? Sometimes the revelation of truth - I am not defined by thoughts...