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Standing Alone

Writer's picture: Anne SweetAnne Sweet

As someone who was a long-term seeker/practitioner I unwittingly absorbed many beliefs and conditionings along the way. Many teachers have a tendency to believe that they have the only truth, the only right perspective and the only correct way of seeing, and this attitude is passed onto their students. It was relatively easy for me to see through and past this falsehood as it has been many years since I was embedded in a specific teaching or tradition. However, I was still carrying many non-dual concepts and ideas that I’d picked up along the way. Concepts and ideas that I had accepted as the truth without fully examining and testing them in my own experience. At a certain point I had to go back to the beginning and examine everything I thought I knew (an ongoing project). This has been/is invaluable to me, and I believe it would be greatly useful to any sincere seeker.

What I think is very much missing in the spiritual domain is the willingness to see that every belief system/tradition/teaching is an interpretation of reality but is not reality itself ("The map is not the territory" Ken Wilber). A useful and immensely valuable construct to help us along the way but at a certain point all of it has to go. Far too many of us have very fixed ideas about enlightenment/truth/reality that are in sharp disagreement with other valid and informed ways of seeing and interpreting, but once again at a certain point all of it has to go.

Can we stand naked and alone in the truth of our own knowing without referencing any of it?

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Jul 31, 2022

Hi Anne,

As always, a succinct and clear description of the essentials.

I was set on the spiritual path 26 years ago via an 'accidental' kundalini awakening through meditation, which I only took up as moral support for my terminally ill husband. It was a difficult path because of lack of any context for such a thing and the unresolved childhood trauma that erupted with it.

My initial foray was into Jungian psychotherapy, for which I am very grateful because Jung's focus was on individual autonomy. Even though there was a strong spiritual component it wasn't the whole answer for me and I had to explore further. What it did give me was a good grounding in the psychodynamics of…

Anne Sweet
Anne Sweet
Aug 01, 2022
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Thank-you for your always thoughtful, insightful and wise comments. They are much appreciated, as are your kind words and encouragement.



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